15 Mar Zoom - Annual Membership Meeting Zoom - Annual Membership Meeting Wednesday, March 15, 2023 (10:30 AM to 12:30 PM) Zoom Details You're Registered! DescriptionLocation Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81165045935?pwd=WXErVUdnQVJXb1R4ZDhvMjZ4d2RXZz09 The Annual Membership meeting will include: A report from the Nominating, Credentials and Recognition Task Force Hear from candidates running for an elected TAR Board of Director position (Officers and Directors) Proposed Bylaw Amendments TAR Bylaws REDLINE TAR Bylaws DRAFT Updates from: Kim Clifton, TAR President Craig Thompson, MLSSAZ President Victoria Lem, TRCF President Eric Gibbs, Arizona REALTORĀ® President Arizona REALTORĀ® Treasure Candidates THE ZOOM REGISTRATION LINK WILL BE ON YOUR EMAIL CONFIRMATION RECEIPT Zoom